The group is recruiting members interested in getting involved with group outreach. Two committees have formed, one on Publicity, and one on Service. Here is the original call:
We are creating two outreach committees that are basically small subgroups of SL Humanism. The purpose of these committees will be to brainstorm approaches about their respective domains and to report back to the SL Humanism officers about proposals and ideas. This is initially a short term commitment. It is a way to get involved with the SL Humanism group beyond the regular Sunday meetings.
The two committees are described below. The final section has the procedure for signing up for one or both committees.
[ One word about protocol: nothing agreed to by a committee has official standing within the group until the Officers and Director officially implement it. ]
Purpose: Discuss group publicity and networking to the larger freethinking and progressive SL community. Develop strategies and practical opportunities. One really good approach that has been raised recently in Sunday meetings is a "Humanism Yellow Pages", a collection of categorized landmarks of SL businesses who are either run by Humanists or Humanist-friendly. This might be a good first project for this Committee.
Purpose: Social service to the wider SL community. What practical contribution can the SL Humanism group make? Is there a practical way to do regular charity fundraising or similar action? Is there a way to build an 'action group' within SL Humanism that will interact with RL causes within SL? Is there a role for non-professionals in service? Do prospective Humanists need help and support 'coming out'? What is appropriate for an SL environment?
To sign up for a committee visit these fora and start posting. Organizers will also hold in-game meetings as well.
For Committee One (Publicity) go here: Committee One
For Committee Two (Service) go here: Committee Two